Blessed Virgin Mary

聖母マリア (せいぼまりあ) は、カトリック用語で、イエス・キリストの母。ヨセフの妻を指すもっとも一般的な称号。 東方正教会に属する日本ハリストス正教会の至聖女マリヤ(参照:生神女)に相当するが、正教会において最も多用される表現は生神女マリヤである。

The Blessed Virgin Mary, sometimes shortened to The Blessed Virgin, is a traditional title specifically used by Roman Catholics, Anglo-Catholics and others to describe Mary, the mother of Jesus. It carries with it a belief not merely in the virginity of Mary, but of her continuing role within the church and in the life of ordinary catholics, for which Roman Catholicism in the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church (21 November 1964) passed during the Second Vatican Council granted her the title Advocate, Auxiliatrix, Adjutrix, and Mediatrix.-wikipedia.en


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Last-modified: 2005-02-26 (土) 13:04:56