Dorothy L. Sayers (UK)  1893年オクスフォード生まれ。 1923年に『誰の死体?』で作家デビュー。 以後,ピーター・ウィムジイ卿を主人公としたシリーズは代表作『ナイン・テイラーズ』(1934)をはじめ,現代でも人気が衰えない。 オクスフォード大で女性として初めて学位を得た才女でもあり,ダンテの『神曲』の英訳など小説以外の分野でも活躍した。

Dorothy Leigh Sayers (Oxford, 13 June 1893 - Witham, 17 December 1957) was a British author, translator, student of classical and modern languages, and Christian humanist.
Dorothy L. Sayers (and she always insisted on that "L.") is perhaps best known for her Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, a series of novels and short stories featuring an English aristocrat who is an amateur sleuth. Four of those novels also feature Harriet Vane, a detective novelist and amateur detective. Sayers also wrote a number of short stories about Montague Egg, a wine salesman who also solves mysteries.-[[wikipedia.en>]]


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