クリスファー・ハットン、SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON(1540-1591)

>Sir Christopher was a knight of the Garter and chancellor of the university of Oxford. Elizabeth frequently showed her affection for her favorite in an extravagant and ostentatious manner. She called him her mouton, and forced the bishop of Ely to give him the freehold of Ely Place, Holborn, which became his residence, his name being perpetuated in the neighboring Hatton Garden. Hatton is reported to have been a very mean man, but he patronized men of letters, and among his friends was Edmund Spenser. He wrote the fourth act of a tragedy, Tam-red and Gismund, arid his death occasioned several panegyrics in both prose and verse.-http://14.1911encyclopedia.org/H/HA/HATTON_SIR_CHRISTOPHER.htm


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